NewZoom Consulting  - for your best successSM

Bill's Professional Experience
How this prepares him to help you

I work to help you overcome obstacles to your success

Life and career experience
This includes farming, construction, sales, management, marketing and communications.

Since 1981, I've worked with very successful campaigns for major corporations, small companies, and nonprofits. This included Grey Advertising, General Foods, Time Warner, and many more.

Here are testimonials from my marketing and communications clients.

An example
One of my favorites was the successful launch of the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP). I worked directly with the founder and president, handling writing, marketing, publicity and more.

Bill helped AIP attain success that exceeded all projections. In view of his outstanding accomplishments and abilities, I highly recommend him to you.
     - Daniel Borochoff, Founder and President, American Institute of Philanthropy

AIP is now known as It's still a great resource for wise giving to charities.

You, too, can market yourself, your career or business more effectively. I'm here to help!

Photo of two smiling Haitian girlsCurrent work
I like to use my time productively helping others.

In addition to my business consulting and life coaching, I lead a nonprofit: We help people locally and worldwide. My writing and editing reach millions of people, and I have a fairly wide range of other responsibilities.

Since founding this nonprofit in 1996, my work included helping hundreds of individuals from our local communities and around the world. They gain a wide range of career and life skills while volunteering with us.

Looking forward to a better future, Haiti

Together, we're building a public education and advocacy campaign to help end extreme global poverty more quickly and cost-effectively.

We're also planning to start direct service in Haiti in 2014. This will help some of the Americas' worst-off people to lift themselves from grinding poverty.

Thanks for your interest,


More on Bill: Summary  |  Ideas and Vision  |  Marketing Client Testimonials

More on NewZoom Business ConsultingSM

You can contact Bill now:

Phone and text: 1-917-428-1061  |  Skype: bill.newzoom  |  E-mail:

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Website and scanned versions of photos © 2002 - 2016, photos © 2012 by Bill. This page - - online August 24, 2009, latest changes February 20, 2014