Picture of Dan and Sara embracingNewZoom - for a more beautiful lifeTM

The Beautiful People ProjectTM

The Beautiful People Project is an in-depth look at what makes people beautiful on the inside and the outside - their outward appearance, ways of expressing themselves, their inner life and impacts on the world around them.

I started this project more than 12 years ago with individuals that many would consider physically beautiful.

The deeper we look, the more beauty we can find.

I was very favorably impressed by the many beautiful things they said - and a wide range of admirable goals they work to achieve in their personal and professional lives. This helped inspire me to change the scope of this venture.

Growth and change are good.

My life is fairly busy now, but I still find some time for this fulfilling enterprise. Here's more info for participants.

I'm interested in people working in diverse ways to create beauty - both outsiders and those within mainstream society. Participants may include activists, artists, writers, philanthropists and others working towards positive changes in their lives and the world around them.

Together, we can examine images and ideas of attractiveness and integrity - looking at people who are wonderful in many ways, finding both beauty and beatitude.

This is an opportunity for a diverse group of individuals to express themselves to the world.

Above, upper right: Young Love - Dan and Sarah embrace at an indoor plaza, Broadway and 63rd Street, NYC, 2003.
Above, left: Ageless love, Grandma Esther and grandson Jacob, 1982

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Two Views of Jillian
- Conservatory Gardens in Central Park, NYC, 2003

- Mike at home and in Harriman Park, NY, 2009

Reaching for the sky - Katie in Brooklyn near the Williamsburg Bridge, 2003

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Thinking about Life - Dio at Columbia University, 2003

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Sunset under the Manhattan Bridge - Heland, 2003


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(above) and Ryan and Jillian Tête à Tête - Conservatory Garden, 2003

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Looking Forward - Doug in Chelsea, NYC, 2003

An important goal is to find greater value in ourselves and our world. Here's more photos.

More info for participants

To schedule your photoshoot, contact Bill now:

Phone and text: 1-917-428-1061  |  Skype: bill.newzoom  |  E-mail: bill@newzoom.com

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Website and scanned versions of photos © 2002 - 2016, original photos © year taken by the photographer. http://www.newzoom.com/photos/beauty.html. This page online June 13, 2003, latest changes May 27, 2015