At various times, we all express different aspects of our personalities. Each of us has a public persona that we present to the world. Then, there are many parts of us we keep hidden, sometimes even from ourselves. Engaging in conversation, I encourage people to express deeper facets of their character - their moods, passions, conflicts and dreams. The ultimate goal is to discover very beautiful things inside us...
Speaking peoples' languages is a big help in understanding other cultures. We enrich our lives with the many, sometimes deep personal connections we can make. Sometimes, the further we travel, the more we learn whats inside us, too. I especially enjoy visiting places off the beaten path. People in "less developed" areas often share joy and warm hospitality, despite their poverty. They have a gentleness and humility that transcends material possessions. I try to show this in my work. Many things inspire me in my travels - and there is much that disturbs me. Ive seen grinding poverty first hand. This is totally unnecessary in a world with an abundance of sustainable resources. No one need go hungry - yet more than 923 million people do every day. Everyone should have open opportunities to make the most of their potential and contribute to society. Now more than ever, we need all the help we can get to create positive alternatives for our world. We have so much to gain from each other. Change is possible. I actively support effective programs that help our local communities and people all over the world. This is a great source of fulfillment in my life. I urge you to do what you can, too. Nature photography More photos of: Beautiful People | A New Way of Being | NYC | Brazil | Ecuador | Beautiful People of All Ages | Home Page Photographs, in order of appearance:
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To schedule your photoshoot, you can contact Bill now:
Phone and text: 1-917-428-1061 | Skype: bill.newzoom | E-mail: bill@newzoom.com
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Website and scanned versions of photos © 2002 - 2016, original photos © year taken by the photographer. Online August 10, 2002 at http://www.geocities.com/photoworksnyc - http://www.newzoom.com/photos/index.html - latest changes October 28, 2013